L Ultimo Metro Tinto Brass

Those are the exact words Darth Maul says when Savage finds him. Creepy isn't it? I also noticed that the Altar of Mortis is the same shape as a Sith Holocron. I'm sure there are many others, which is why I would find it very interesting to watch this episode over and over again. I love Ahsoka turning evil, and the banter that occurs because of that. The twist at the end (daughter's death) is also a great twist. I also really love the music in the final fight; the vocal opera sound is incredible and really elevates the scene for me. I have 2 major problems with this episode. The first is that I feel like not much happens (that is actually useful). Other than the daughters death, everything else gets undone at the end. Yeah, maybe that is too harsh of a criticism. You know what, just count that as a nitpick instead. My other problem is that the lightsaber and lightning fights are actually pretty terrible fight scenes. They all feel slow and 'forced' (hehe, I made an unfunny pun). I don't know, I feel like the fight (especially Son vs Daughter) is designed too much to be a spectacle.

Jan Dara Jan Dara grows up in a house lacking in love but abundant in lust. He quickly picks up the sinful way of life of the man who married his mother after she became pregnant from being raped. His 'father's' mistress welcomes the young boy into her literal bosom. Wanting badly to know his real father, Jan leaves the house, only coming back after Khun Luang's daughter falls pregnant out of wedlock. Jan does a favor to his 'father' by marrying her, even though he is deeply in love with the mistress. The truth about his birth, as Jan will later learn, is as confusing and messed up as his present life and the lives of those around him. Duration: 108 min Quality: HD 720p Release: 2001

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L ultimo metro tinto brass lever

December 26, 2020, 11:45 pm