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photo: AP / Olivier Douliery Edit Joe Biden isn't the president the EU thinks he is The Spectator 03 Dec 2020 For four years, president Donald Trump radicalised international relations. There was a shift towards the nation state and unilateralism, beginning with the United States. He viewed intergovernmental organisations like the WHO or the World Trade Organization with acute scepticism thanks to what he saw as their bureaucratic sloth and partisanship....... photo: AP / John Amis Edit About That Apocalypse And Trump: Did Evangelicals And Christian Nationalists Just Make A Category-Mistake 02 Dec 2020 Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling... Benito Mussolini 's revived Roman Empire, replaced by Adolf Hitler 's Third Reich and the Holocaust, appeared at a time to match predictions in the book of Daniel and Revelation... The Apocalypse or Revelation provides more details of what Jesus ' generation is to expect.... photo: AP / Farah Abdi Warsameh Edit CIA officer killed in Somali raid on suspected al-Shabaab bomb-maker The Guardian 03 Dec 2020 A CIA officer died during a raid in Somalia last month targeting a key extremist thought to be responsible for an attack that killed an American soldier in Kenya last year, local intelligence officials have told the Guardian... "Our officers were supported by the US officers.

December 23, 2020, 12:45 am