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↑ En la emisión del episodio en España, el título fue Mía es la venganza. El contenido de la comunidad está disponible bajo CC-BY-SA a menos que se indique lo contrario.

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I was blamed for it by my mum. My mum would talk about the financial problems to me and I was about 16. I didn't know shit about money. My mum would tell me to tell my dad about paying us child support and the same thing with my dad. I was tired. Tired of it all. Why couldn't they sort out their shit like civil human beings. I was in the middle. The amount of times I hurt myself cuz of everything is just crazy. Last year I decided to tell my mum about what has happened to me when I was younger. I told her and I regret it. I regret the day so badddd. I just wanted support and wanted to feel safe. I wanted my own mother to hug me and say ' baby it's okay. I've got you'. But instead the first thing she said was. ' You had sex with your brother, that means you enjoyed it right? How could you have sex with him, your disgusting'. I wanted to kill myself right there. I bawled my eyes out and for a second even thought that maybe it was my fault. She said we were going back to her home country in Africa just to go get a virginity test.

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Prendemmo una barca per raggiungere l'isola. -Guarda papà un uccello! Magari è Miss Peregrine- Mi guardò malissimo, ma una volta scrutato meglio l'uccello si rese conto che era un falco pellegrino e ne rimase incantato. L'alb ergo in cui alloggiavamo era abbastanza squallido, ma me lo feci andare bene. Volevo solo trovare Miss Peregrine e la casa dei ragazzi, ma non avevo la minima idea di dove fosse. Vidi dei ragazzi circa della mia età fuori dall'albergo. Non facevo amicizia facilmente e allora mio padre decise di corromperli con 20 verdoni a testa per accompagnarmi. Iniziammo il cammino. -Ora tutto dritto tra le piante- mi disse uno dei due ragazzi. -Ma, ma, ma- non avevo parole. La casa dei bambini era ormai una roccaforte. Eppure il nonno... Mi feci coraggio e decisi di entrate. Notai subito un orologio e alcune foto. La casa era ancora riconoscibile, ma i bambini? Miss Peregrine? Dov'erano? -Abraham- Quella era Emma? Mi girai di scatto e vidi una bella ragazza dai lunghi capelli rossi che le cadevano morbidi sulle spalle.

Before blood was drawn, the dogs came away and my daughter was able to pick up [our] dog, both shaking with fear. What a shame to allow aggressive dogs the freedom of a public footpath. ' Theresa Preston has abandoned the footpath after a disturbing incident when out walking with her children. 'Our Jack Russell was attacked in front of them and received a deep puncture. The children were traumatised and haven't repeated the walk since. What can we do to make them feel safe again? ' Celia Holland, who has also ceased using the path, agrees that lurchers 'were the problem', adding: 'I had a dog with me who stood up to them but I was terrified they were going to pull him apart. ' Goldsmith, 39, whose wife Jemima gave birth to their third child Vita Iris in April, is eager to placate them. 'One of my dogs has had puppies, ' he tells me. 'She's been over-protective when it comes to other dogs on the public footpath. 'The puppies are gone and, now that the dog is undergoing a little bit of training, I think the problem should be past. '

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December 24, 2020, 3:44 am