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He said she appeared to be doing well. He said: 'This must be due to something wise she was doing well. 'I had a word with her last night for a new project and she sounded normal. 'Me and my company Fame Experts manage lots of artists and Siya was a bright talent. I am heading to her home in Preet Vihar. ' While most popular for her dance videos on TikTok, the 16-year-old also had over 100k followers on Instagram. According to family sources, Kakkar (pictured) had been receiving 'threats' on the internet, but police said they were unable to confirm the motive at the current stage of the investigation On social media, friends and people who worked with Kakkar expressed their sorrow over her untimely death. Photographer Viral Bhayani wrote in an Instagram post, 'Sad news 16-year-old sweet tik-toker @siya_kakkar died by suicide. 'Before publishing this I spoke to her Talent management agency head Arjun Sarin who just spoke to her last night for a song collaboration and he says she was in a good mood and perfectly alright.

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TOP EPISODES Season 7 Season 6 Season 5 Season 4 Season 3 Season 2 Season 1 Specials Episode 1 The Past Is Parent Episode 2 Evidence of Things Not Seen Episode 4 All My Exes Live in Essex Episode 5 The Games Underfoot Episode 6 The Cost of Doing Business Episode 8 A Burden of Blood Episode 9 Murder Ex Machina Episode 11 Down Where the Dead Delight Episode 12 A View With a Room Episode 13 A Study in Charlotte Episode 14 Who Is That Masked Man? Episode 15 Up to Heaven and Down to Hell Episode 17 You've Got Me, Who's Got You? Episode 20 Art Imitates Art Episode 21 Ain't Nothing Like the Real Thing Episode 22 Turn It Upside Down Episode 23 The Invisible Hand Episode 24 A Difference in Kind

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December 25, 2020, 5:46 am