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By Moon Of Alabama December 27, 2019 " Information Clearing House " – The Turkish intervention in Libya might develop into a major international crisis as each side in the 'civil' war in Libya has several international supporters. Turkey is now taking serious steps to move troops and equipment to Libya: Turkey will introduce a bill to send troops to Libya as soon as Parliament resumes, in response to the country's invitation, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan announced on Thursday. Speaking at a meeting of provincial heads at the headquarters of the ruling Justice and Development Party (AK Party) in the capital Ankara, Erdoğan said the military mandate to send troops to Libya will be on Parliament's agenda when it resumes early January. He also criticized countries supporting the East Libya-based warlord Khalifa Haftar rather than Fayez al-Sarraj. Reuters noted that there is no public record of the 'invitation' Erdogan talked about: It was unclear what specific invitation Erdogan was referring to as the interior minister in the Tripoli-based government, Fathi Bashagha, suggested in comments to reporters in Tunis that no official request had yet been made.

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The ethnic Turkmen rebel groups that have fought alongside Turkey in northern Syria are expected to reinforce the government in Tripoli imminently, according to senior officials in Libya and Turkey. The Libyan government had initially resisted the idea of such a deployment but eventually accepted it as Haftar's forces began to advance on Tripoli, according to that administration's official. The so-called Sultan Murad Brigade has been used by Turkey to ethnically cleanse the Kurdish areas in northwest Syria. Its fighters are known to be undisciplined and brutal. They have been trained and armed by Turkey and their commanders speak Turkish. Some of them are also trained to call in air support. Other groups currently undergo training by Turkish officers to then be send to Libya. Turkey and Qatar are offering relatively large sums to recruit more of such Syrian 'rebels' for Libya: Sources confirmed that the Turkish-backed factions attract youth to join war in Libya offering temptations and rewarding salaries range between 1800 and 2000 US dollars for a single fighter per month.

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A day before Trump's tweet HTS leader Abu Mohammad al-Julani published a video which one of his fan boys translated: "Between the two [Russia & Iran], the regime is being used by the two sides as a puppet to take over territories and properties, through demographic change… To achieve their goals, the two have no qualms in committing the ugliest massacres against the Sunni people" …., through airstrikes, bombardments and leveling to the ground, after they failed to pacify the revolution through political and security means. " Jolani: "Having said that, we are in front of a great battle, on behalf of the whole Islamic Ummah, and on behalf of a hypocrite world that once wanted to destroy the Soviet Union & to confront the Iranian ambitions. " The last part, 'on behalf of the Islamic Ummah', can be understood as a fresh invitation to Islamists and sponsors from everywhere to support al-Qaeda in its fight in Idleb governorate. Joulani had previously rejected help from the 'rebels' associated with Turkey.

VAXXED Director Dr. Andrew Wakefield, A Discussion With Dane Wigington » VAXXED Director Dr. Andrew Wakefield, A Discussion With Dane Wigington | Geoengineering Watch

Machines were feeding her, breathing for her and, ultimately, keeping her alive. Ms Turner said: 'We took pictures of her in the ICU, because she was totally unaware of all the fear, all the tears, all the hurt we'd been through wishing, hoping, praying that she would be okay. 'Remy is still trying to understand it all now, but I shared some of the photos on Facebook as well to raise awareness of how serious it can be to take drugs. ' After six days of heavy sedation, she woke up. Remy, who lives with her family in Guernsey, said: 'When I woke up the doctor asked me what day I thought it was, and I still just thought it was that Friday evening. I didn't know how much time had passed. 'I was so confused, I didn't understand any of it. ' For nights afterwards she could not be left alone as she was having terrible nightmares, hallucinations and had forgotten how to walk. Remy, from Guernsey, had to rely on machines to breathe for her and feed her as she battled the effects of the drug Thankfully, the recovery happened much quicker than expected, and Remy is already off her anti-seizure medication.

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Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, Russia and several west European countries support the anti-Muslim Brotherhood forces under Khalifa Haftar who controls most of Libya (red). Qatar and Turkey have taken the Islamists' side. Fayez al-Sarraj controls little more than Tripoli and Misrata (blue). He originally had UN and EU support but the lack of progress since 2015, when Sarraj's Government of National Accord was formed, has weakened his authority and his international support. bigger More foreign involvement in the war in Libya will be bad for that country but it might be good for Syria. In 2011, after NATO had supported Islamists to destroy the Libyan state, many of those fighters were transferred to Syria to help to destroy that country. Weapons from Libya were transported via Turkey to Syria to support the 'rebels' against the government. Both flows are now reverting:Turkey-backed rebels from Syria will soon join the internationally-recognized Libyan government's forces in the fight against strongman Khalifa Haftar.

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'Hey, Hey, Ho, Ho, Western Civ Has Got to Go' By Robert Curry — June 10, 2019 On January 15, 1987, Jesse Jackson and around 500 protesters marched down Palm Drive, Stanford University's grand main entrance, chanting "Hey hey, ho ho, Western […]

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