Twilight Cb01

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It may be just another 'tragic vampire romance', but you have to remember that at the time it was written, it was one of the first of its kind. (Obviously vampire romance had been covered before, but it was this franchise that popularised the genre, so I suppose you could consider it somewhat original). I think it is actually written pretty well. I know that a lot of people have complained about the overuse of purple prose, but I personally like it. After all, it's better to be overly informed than to be reading a book filled with ambiguity. Although, it's clear that Stephanie Meyer got a little overexcited with the thesaurus. It should be used sparingly, not for every other word. Nothing kills the reading experience like having to ask Siri what something means every two minutes. Aside from this, I think the detail Meyer includes is what makes the book memorable, because the romantic aspect and characterisation (or lack of it) certainly aren't. Which brings me to my main complaint: Bella.

Cb01 streaming

It's just bloodlust. And I mean that literally. It's Team Jacob all the way (although he doesn't make a significant appearance until the later books, but still). I feel as though I have to give this book a fairly good rating, if only for the nostalgia of reading it again, and enjoying it again. It is actually a nice read- and it kept me entertained whilst I was reading it, though I have to say, it is my least favourite in the series, simply because not a lot happens aside from Edward and Bella falling in love. There was only one dramatic showdown in the final couple of chapters (not described in much detail, since Bella was unconscious for most of it) and even that could have been avoided if Bella wasn't so ridiculously naïve and oblivious. But still an enjoyable read. I'd rate this book... 7 out of 10 stars.

I wanted to see if the books would clarify Bella's obsession with Edward a little more but this first installment certainly doesn't do that. The chapters are long, a personal pet hate of mine as I hate stopping halfway through a chapter when my lunch break is over or tiredness wins. I was very much Team Jacob with the films and I'm still very much the same at the end of this. Edward is moody, secretive, and manipulative. Perhaps reading this as a 33 year old woman means I have the ability to spot abusive traits in a potential partner that an 18 year old wouldn't pick up on. Either way, I don't find Edward attractive in the least. Perhaps reading on will change my mind. Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 2 May 2016 Verified Purchase I first read this book about two years ago, having heard all the hype about it. After reading all the reviews, I realised it was one of those 'you either love it or you hate it' type things. Like Marmite. Personally, I detest Marmite and I had geared myself up to hate Twilight, so I was pleasantly surprised to discover that I actually really enjoyed it.

I decided Twilight would be a good place to start for my first audio book. It was a little strange at first and sometimes the narrator irritated me, the pronunciation of 'Bella' really got on my nerves but overall it was enjoyable. I enjoyed Edward's wit, that's something I forgot about. Bella's need for Edward can sometimes border on the dramatic line, but in those moments of irritation at her obsessiveness I thought back to my teen years and how my boyfriend was my everything, we can be so dramatic, but love, even puppy love is funny like that. My feelings towards the rest of the characters haven't changed at all. I love and adore Alice, Jasper, Carlisle, Esme, Emmett and Charlie. Renee, Rosalie, Jacob, Mike and Jessica irritate me for various reasons. Billy is just Billy. I like Billy. I don't have a quote, there's just too many. I really enjoyed this. I'm looking forward to listening to New Moon. Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 4 July 2019 Verified Purchase I'm reading this after watching the films for like the 3rd time.

Top reviews from United Kingdom There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 8 September 2018 Verified Purchase 2. 5* Bella's not like other girls... she reads classics. But in all seriousness this book is bad. Yet... I'm struggling to give this book a rating. There's no doubt in my mind that if this was the first time that I'd read this book it would be a one star rating. However, it's not the first time I've read this book. Me and this book, we have history. I remember the first time I read this book as clear as day, with my tattered, borrowed copy from my school library. As soon as I met Bella and the Cullen's I fell in love with a book for the first time. I also related to Bella (please forgive me, I was 10 years old and didn't know any better) because like her I didn't fit it; I loved books and the strange and mysterious fascinated me. 10 year old me would have jumped at the chance to become a vampire, and Edward's "overprotectiveness" was seen as only charming.

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I originally borrowed the series from the library, but I have recently purchased it for myself, so I decided that I may as well put my new books to some good use and read them all again. It has been two years, after all. Forks: A small town in Washington, on the Olympic Peninsula- the coldest, cloudiest, wettest, most miserable place on earth. This is Bella Swan's new home. Exiling herself from her mother, Phil, and sunny Arizona, Bella knows that she'll likely live to regret the decision. But beneath the surface, Forks is not quite as dull and mundane as it seems. For the town is home to the Cullens- a family of pale skinned outcasts, with eyes the colour of topaz. Bella is instantly enchanted by them all- especially Edward. As he and Bella grow closer, it becomes apparent that Edward is even less ordinary than he first appeared, and that to continue their forbidden romance means putting Bella's life in mortal danger... Ok, fine. It's not the most fabulous book ever. I accept that as romance stories go, it is not the most potent (I'm sure none of us can have failed to encounter the 'Still a better love story than Twilight' gags) but I still enjoyed reading it.

It isn't that she doesn't have a personality or anything, because she does. It just happens to be an exceedingly irritating personality. I mean, it was fine before she met the Cullens, but, it all went downhill from there. Bella is obsessed with Edward. And I don't mean the usual, 'Oh, his eyes are so dreamy! ' or 'I wonder if we like the same breakfast cereals? ' type thing. I mean LITERALLY obsessed. She's always thinking about him, and gets physically depressed if she doesn't see him for a day. When they're together (which is most of the time) she says things like 'Would I ever get used to his perfection? ' and 'I looked at his gorgeous profile and tried to remember how to breathe', amongst other comments. And to be honest, I don't see the big deal about Edward. Aside from the odd witty remark, he's a bit lacking in character- like a robot, who speaks in the way of a 1920s American. And he goes on and on about how he couldn't bear to lose Bella, but not once does he show us any sign of real passion or love for her.

Now, at 19 (God, has it really been 9 years), Bella's character is insipid and 2-dimensional. Edward is controlling and toxic - he constantly calls her silly, absurd and ridiculous when she raises genuine concerns - and the only saving grace for this book is the Cullen family. The story is even worse with no compelling plot, and a lot is made to propel the story forward while lacking any sense. For example, when Bella was on the phone to James and Alice was in the room, how was it that with her [Alice's] superior hearing she couldn't tell that it was James on the phone rather than Bella's mother? There are so many things wrong with this, so when I give this book 2. 5*, I'm more than aware that this is more than it deserves, but this book holds a grudging place in my heart and I can't deny the love I once had for this series. Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 1 June 2019 Verified Purchase I haven't read Twilight in years, I didn't know how I was going to feel after a reread but gosh I'm as obsessed as ever with this story and the characters Stephenie created.

I have used it with both 70 mm f/6 and 111 mm f/7 refractors to great satisfaction. It handled the 111, with two rails, two finders, a diagonal and a heavy wide angle lens, very well in spite of being at or over the recommended weight. The slow motion gears worked smoothly. The double leg clamps help the rigidity. Vibrations are nicely damped out. So why isn't it a five? There was no full instruction sheet, only a "quick start guide". I did not need the washers and there was a mysterious white disk left over. It is great for a quick grab, if I can leave it set up. But it is not so quick if it is stored with the leg tension plate removed, as there is a tricky "E-clip" that has to be removed and replaced every time that the tripod is fully put in storage. A set of alt-az setting circles would be a nice addition.

December 26, 2020, 12:55 pm