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mehr über diese Episode erfahren Premiere in den USA: Freitag 22. März 2019 ( NBC) Premiere in Deutschland: Dienstag 20. August 2019 Der Deal (The Night of the Dying Breath) Staffel 4 Episode 17 (Blindspot 4x17) © 2019 NBC Das Team begibt sich auf ein Rennen gegen die Zeit, um Jane (Jaimie Alexander) vor den grauenhaften Plänen eines Mörders zu retten. mehr über diese Episode erfahren Premiere in den USA: Freitag 5. April 2019 ( NBC) Premiere in Deutschland: Dienstag 27. August 2019 Staffel 4 Episode 18 (Blindspot 4x18) © 2019 NBC Zapata (Audrey Esparza) wird mit einem alten Freund abtrünnig, während Jane (Jaimie Alexander) und Weller (Sullivan Stapleton) ihre Suche nach der vermummten Gestalt fortführen. April 2019 ( NBC) Premiere in Deutschland: Dienstag 3. September 2019 Staffel 4 Episode 19 (Blindspot 4x19) © 2019 NBC Das Team stößt auf eine internationale Verschwörung, als eine tödliche Waffe gestohlen wird. Jane (Jaimie Alexander) unterstützt derweil Weller (Sullivan Stapleton), als eine alte Bekanntschaft aus seiner Vergangenheit schmerzhafte Erinnerungen an früher weckt.

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Accueil Entertainment Télévision La ministre de la Culture fait la chasse aux sites de streaming illégaux. — Vincent Loison/ Sipa Préparez-vous à dire adieu aux sites de streaming illégal. La ministre de la Culture Françoise Nyssen a annoncé mercredi qu'elle souhaite dresser « une liste noire contraignante et actualisée en permanence pour [les] faire disparaître ». Elle serait régulièrement actualisée et permettrait de les bloquer ou de supprimer leur référencement. Jusqu'ici Hadopi s'intéressait plutôt au piratage et envoyait notamment des avertissements aux internautes mais cette mission pourrait leur revenir. Elle serait donc désormais chargée d'identifier ces sites, de les signaler aux moteurs de recherche, aux fournisseurs d'accès et aux annonceurs. Le streaming plutôt que le « peer to peer » « La réponse Hadopi n'est plus adaptée car le piratage se fait aujourd'hui à 80% par le streaming », a expliqué la ministre. Le téléchargement illégal en « peer to peer » n'a plus la faveur des internautes.

Here's a list of great romantic and other genera anime's, just copy and see from you're list what you've seen!!!! Enjoy 😉 First my favs Note some are NSFW so you're gonna have to look at them lmao but most about 95% are happy wholesome romantic anime's Definitely worth a watch are: "please teacher", "Dusk Maiden Of Amnesia", "Lovely complex", "Tonikawa: Over The Moon For You" these are a great watch!!

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It's not about optimism or realism but about jumping to conclusions and giving a new show time to tell it's fuckin story. You don't like the first three episodes, fine whatever. TNGs first season was a dumpster fire, but people gave it a fucking chance. People like you would have shot that series in the head after two episodes and declared everyone else who wants to see where it goes optimistic fools. " TOS literally had TV stations boycotting episodes the revisionist attempts by STD fans to greatly exaggerate the negative reaction are pure bullshit. "Unfortunately your declarations are irrelevant as your hate for ST DSC is apparent by referring to it at STD. You hated it out of the box. New not one single make up stuff. Good. So because you didn't no anyone in your small town who hated tng means no one else did. You're stuck in the 90s. " Discovery criticism leads to someone dismissing it as mental gymnastics Don't you get it? Change means the writers personally hate you and are literally smearing shit on Roddenberry's picture when writing these scripts.

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Friday, January 23, 2015 R, 1 hr 31 min Suspense/Thriller Fandango FANALERT® Weekend Ticket: Episode 98 - Jennifer Lopez Which movie's right for you this weekend? Mortdecai? Strange Magic? The Boy Next Door? Fandango Chief Correspondent Dave Karger breaks them down with a little help from Jennifer Lopez. 1 of 1 The Boy Next Door Synopsis A high-school teacher (Jennifer Lopez) learns to regret her moment of weakness when the student (Ryan Guzman) with whom she had a brief fling begins to terrorize her at home and at work. Read Full Synopsis Movie Reviews Presented by Rotten Tomatoes More Info Rated R | For for violence, sexual content / nudity, and language

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